eBook Design

Using Amazon’s Kindle Kids’ Book Creator (and a Work-Around for 1 Shortcoming)

The Kindle Kid’s Book Creator (KKBC) is a new free tool from Amazon that allows anyone to create children’s illustrated eBooks. Why is this significant? Because books in this category—think Goodnight Moon, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Green Eggs and Ham—are more challenging and expensive to program than standard text-based narrative eBooks. Regular eBooks, also called

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Publishing an eBook Series: Design and SEO Considerations

Publishing a book series is a popular strategy these days and few would question the value of using SEO techniques to help readers find them. The challenge in my experience has more to do with the planning required and having enough “product” to make the effort pay off. I don’t yet have enough data to

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Understanding Free eBook Samples-A Guide for Publishers

Online eBook shopping in the Kindle, Nook, iBooks and Kobo stores would not be as satisfying or functional without the ability to view a sample of a book. The idea and benefit is no different than thumbing through a book in a bookstore—you want to “try before you buy” by understanding the contents and writing

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5 Resources to Help You Create eBook Files Using InDesign

Sometimes it makes more sense for a publisher to learn how to create their own eBooks rather than outsource to someone like AuthorImprints. I had a call this week along these lines—I think the person was in front of their computer waiting for me to talk them through the clicks! It’s not something we do

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How to Handle Consumable Content During eBook Conversion

Perhaps you’ve experienced this: you’re reading an eBook and click to a page that asks you to fill in information or answer questions. This is called consumable content in eBook publishing and examples include workbooks, forms, quizzes, questionnaires, check lists, etc. What got me thinking about this was some feedback I received regarding our recently

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