Full-service publishing management that puts you in control of your book.

Unlike hybrid publishing, with AuthorImprints you keep all rights, royalties, and control over your imprint.*

(*Click here to learn about imprints.)

We help authors professionally self-publish books. How can we help you?

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hybrid publishing


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What Our Clients Are Saying

"AuthorImprints was worth every penny spent. The ability to maintain 100% rights and design autonomy along the way was paramount, and I learned a lot along the way. AuthorImprints is professional, courteous, knowledgeable, and the end product allows you to compete with the top publishers in the industry right from the start. I can't imagine doing it any other way."
Derrick Smythe, author of The Other Magic
Derrick Smythe,
Award-winning author of The Other Magic
"You cannot go wrong with AuthorImprints: Integrity. Creativity. Personal Attention. Reliability. Experience. Resources. They have whatever an author needs. I couldn’t be more pleased with my experience with David Wogahn and his team."
Richard Ennis, author of Never Bullshit the Client
Richard M. Ennis
Never Bullshit the Client
"The first word that comes to mind when I think about AuthorImprints is trust. I know that I can turn my projects over to them and they will always keep my best interests at heart, they will never over-charge, cut corners, or produce anything less than top quality. I have come to depend on David as a source for ideas about how to expand my reach, for insights into my business, and as a strategic thinker to help keep my brand growing and meeting my needs, as well as the needs of my readers."
Shannon Hayes
Radical homemaker, farmer and author of the most recently published Homespun Mom Comes Unraveled

Successful publishing begins with a plan. Start here:

AuthorImprints for audiobooks

Audiobooks are hot! Record your own: AuthorImprints makes it easy and affordable.

books icon - have your own publishing imprint

All our clients have their own publishing imprint; it's easy, cheap, safe and professional.

arrows icon - want to republish

We help authors republish reverted books or change their publisher to be fully in control.

Visit the AuthorImprints Learning Center for educational resources
