Guest Posts & Reviews

Our criteria

We consider queries from published authors and certain other parties associated with self-publishing. Your query must include a link to a book you have written or to a book you have helped with in some way (ideally, marketing related).

Ideal article topics and suggested formats

  1. Personal experience with publishing or book marketing
  2. Case-study format
  3. Interview/Q&A format
  4. Publishing service or tool review
  5. Book-review format


Please review these to get an idea of content, tone and length.

How to apply and what to expect

Minimum requirements to include in your query

  1. You must be a published author or work with published authors.
  2. Your query must include a link to your book on Amazon or a relevant client book.
  3. Include a link to a previously published article (on your website, another site, or in a publication).

General requirements, if accepted:

  1. Articles should be at least 500 words.
  2. Readers are writers, so your content should be helpful and actionable for our audience.
  3. Please tell us how you plan to promote your guest post.

Complete the form below or use our contact form to submit your idea.

How May We Help You
Publisher name can also be a name/imprint you intend to use; enter “self” if you aren't sure.
Please confirm your email by entering it again in the second field.
How did you find us? *
Please check your primary interest for contacting us: *