What Happened When I Optimized My Book Description for the Amazon Search Engine
What Happened When I Optimized My Book Description for the Amazon Search Engine

6 thoughts on “What Happened When I Optimized My Book Description for the Amazon Search Engine”

  1. I followed your advice and in 5 minutes I reduced my rank from 2.500.000 to about 750.000.
    This was interesting as I thought the rank was based on sales, but apparently not. Keywords are everything. However, I probably just reduced my exposure to a more select group. The actual “views” remain the same.

  2. Yup, it was instantaneous. However, the ranking group changed (to a smaller group) and therefore I was higher on a smaller list. However, at 750.00 (its gone back up to 984,103) I might as well be on the moon.

  3. Andy, send me a link when you get a chance. I’d like to take a look. (via here or my contact form)

  4. If the first publication was Dec 11, then the ranking Dec 12 was based on one day’s sales. It’s not surprising that the rank would get much better in 5 days and even better in 8 days. It probably did not depend very much on keywords.

  5. That’s a valid assumption Peter but the first publication was actually more than a year earlier. KDP changed the pub date to reflect when the optimization change took place (see print book; October 18, 2012).

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